The Liberation Project: A Movement For Manhood

Redefining Hot Sex, Part 1: Why Men Secretly Want to Spoon



In this episode, Justin and Blair discuss our sexuality as men. What are we really looking for in sex? They discuss pornography, connection, and many of the other concepts that accompany sex (both healthily and unhealthily).  Yours eyes will be opened to a whole new paradigm to sex and what it REALLY means to get our needs met.   A few quotes from the episode: -Sexuality is wrapped up in our greatest desire and our greatest shame.  BR -What are the things inside of us that drive us towards sexuality? JS -What about our emotional journey is also tied into sexuality? JS -We have been sold a lie that men are nonemotional creatures.  JS -As men, we are terrified of facing our emotional pain, so we have to come up with an excuse not to face it.  JS -Our culture says have sex and you'll be connected. What we need to think is, what are the needs that we need to be met, and then have sex.  And if we can correct the way we are doing this, sex becomes healthy.  BR -Pornography is the cheapest substitute for what we act