

FREE MINI-CLASS: 5 Steps to Make Peace with Food --> Sign Up Now! Are you wondering what Intuitive Eating looks like? Have you given up diets this year, but you still don't quite "get" what a "non-diet lifestyle" looks like? Do you live life in a larger body and think weight loss is the only answer? Do you have a hard time taking yourself seriously? Well, this week, Brianna Campos (AKA BodyImageWithBri) shares her powerful story. This week I'm joined by one of my favorite virtual mental health colleagues! I'm talking to Brianna Campos, mental health counselor and body image coach. In this ep, you'll also hear: What it was like growing up in a larger body How doctors affected her overall health How her mom treated her and her brother differently (and what that had to do with food choices) Why she stopped dieting How she learned about HAES and Intuitive Eating What her biggest struggle is currently (and it's NOT food) and more!   Connect with Brianna: Instagram: @bodyimagewithbri Connect with Dr. Stefani: Ins