

What if you "get that diets don't work," but you STILL want to lose weight? What if you just FEEL awful in the body you're in now? How does set point weight work and how does your diet affect it? I'll dive into all this and more in today's down-to-earth conversation about mindful nutrition. In today's episode, I talk with Gisela Bouvier, registered dietitian, corporate wellness professional, wife, and mother. >>Disclaimer: If you're JUST starting out with intuitive eating and triggered by nutrition or health discussions, please do not listen to this episode. :) We discuss: What the honeymoon period even means (and if you NEED to experience it to make peace with food and your body) What it means when you want to lose weight How "diet mentality" is not necessarily the desire to lose weight How to identify your own motivations and mindset How our set point weight can change over time (even through an intuitive eating practice) What is triggering about Instagram and so much more! CONNECT WITH GISELA: Instagram: