Not The Typical Mom Show With Stefani Reinold: Down To Earth Discussions About The Not So Typical But All Too Common Issue

28- Ditching the Scale, Overcoming Body Dysmorphia, and Learning to Trust Yourself Around Food with Sophie Bertrand



Can you develop an eating disorder and body dysmorphia even when you're in an already "thin ideal" body? YES!  No matter your body size or shape, we are all vulnerable to the impact of culture on how we view ourselves. Eating disorders are mental illnesses, and we cannot determine someone's emotional suffering based on what someone looks like.  In today's episode, I talk with dietitian, food blogger, and eating disorders professional, Sophie Bertrand. We discuss: Why Sophie became an eating disorders dietitian How Sophie's relationship with food progressed through her career training How her definition of health now includes chocolate and cake Effect of perfectionism on development of ED's How body obsessions can drive food obsessions How body size does not determine mental suffering How Sophie stopped weighing herself How healing her own body image helped her have more compassion for others and so much more! Sophie gives some really great actionable tips for helping you find what foods you actually enjoy!