New York Said

Natacha and Gary - Two Side to a Love Story



This is episode is a little different. A few weeks ago I was asked by my good friends Natacha and Gary to do an engagement photography shoot. Thats not really my thing but I told them I’d be up to have a Sunday fun day in Brooklyn and I’d bring my camera to capture the fun. So on the first day of 2017, we all met in DUMBO and I captured their day. Now, a few years ago I had this grand idea to interview a newly wed couple and asked them how they met, their first date, blah blah blah… For some odd reason that idea never happened. On the morning of my shoot with Natacha and Gary this little voice was like “Bring the mic, do that idea thing with the couples and stuff” and so I did. After the shoot I asked if they’d be down to help make my idea tangible and of course they were. I really do have great and supportive friends. They had a car, So I told Gary to take a walk and I interviewed Natacha in the back seat of their VW Jetta. And then Gary came back, then I asked Natacha to kick rocks and got Gary’s side of th