New York Said

Skye Ferrante - Making a Living in the Art World, Ballet and Put Pocketing



Today’s guest on the show is Skye Ferrante also known as Man of Wire. While visiting Skye’s studio we conversed in-depth about making a living in the art world, put pocketing, coffee, recommended reading and much much more. Please enjoy. Stay Up to Date with Skye Ferrante - Man of Wire Instagram The New York Times Article: A Sculptor Reaps the Rewards of Art Deals Brokered in the Bedroom -- Links to the Stuff they Talked About Cathedral of Saint John the Divine Greg Wyatt Sculpture Impressionist Paintings Igor-Alban Chevalier - The Black Frog Feld Ballet Michael Bennett Patrick-Earl Barnes Nuyorican Poets Cafe Robert Lederman - Street Artists Win 2ND Major Federal Appeals Court Ruling Oscar Wilde Chuck Close Seven Dirty Words - George Carlin  Jimmy Breslin Kurt Vonnegut Fanelli Cafe Lucky Strike Tsurutontan Udon Noodle Brasserie Congee Village - Bowery  Freakonomics Radiolab Danny Meyer The Sellout: A Novel by Paul Beatty  Michel Houellebecq Submission: A Novel by Michel Houellebecq The Elementary Part