New York Said

TAKI 183 - The History of Graffiti Culture, Classic Cars and the Future of Street Art



This episode is very special to me. It’s not often I get to converse with a innovator, a pioneer or a living legend in anything let alone graffiti culture. Today’s guest on the show is TAKI 183. Before recording a single episode of this podcast I made list of people I would love to have on the show. I threw Taki’s name on there under the dream big column. I wrote it not ever thinking it was a real possibility but here we are lol. That write it down and manifest it stuff I’ve always heard about does have a lot of merit to it, so I’m learning. TAKI 183 was gracious enough to give me a few hours of his time to talk in-depth about his creative journey at the Auto Body Shop he owns out Yonkers. That being said, it was toward the end of the work day so we had to stop and start depending on if someone in the garage or a client needed to pull him away for a second. I put a sound effect in between clips to give you an idea of when I had to stop the tape. This episode was recorded in the waiting area of the garage… So