New York Said

Exploring the Mindscapes of Ryan McGinness



Ryan McGinness talks showing your work, exploiting the analog glitches, pure geometry and the burden of communication. Notes from the Conversation Prolific | Approaching Fifty | Creating an Immersive Environment | Miles McEnery Gallery | Make a Statement | One Grand Singular Statement | Street Signs | One Grand Painting | The Black Holes | Narrative Elements | A System Started to Emerge | Systematic Approach to the Work | Why 72? | Site Specific |Easily Reconfigured to Any Other Space | Many Details to Discern | Macro and Micro Compositions | Taking in the Work | No Overarching Narrative | No Linear Way to Read the Work | Discreet Units of Meaning | No Stories | Interpreting | The Burden of Communication | Art that Invites You | Pure Geometry | Finding Truth in Geometry | Real World vs Simulation | Brush Work | Even Crosshatching | Communication Through Art | Art vs Graphic Design | Took the Pursuit of Art Very Seriously | Stickers and Zines | Silk Screening |  That Takashi Muraka