More Patients. More Impact. More Income

How To Discover Your Mission (Even If You’re A Generalist Now)



You’ve probably heard it a hundred times: Having a burning passion for what you do will help you through struggle, will let you strive ever higher and your conviction will attract patients like an industrial magnet. A mission eliminates the biggest problems practitioners have—it makes you seek out the work others procrastinate on. On the flipside, not having a mission can make growing your practice a grind and can turn humans looking for healing into numbers on a spreadsheet. You might think a mission comes to you in a flash of lightning. The opposite is true. In fact, you can cultivate a sense of mission today—this episode will teach you. Show highlights include: - Why you’re better off accepting that nobody wants your treatment. (1:40) - Whether you’re an acupuncturist, herbalist or dietician—it doesn’t matter. Here’s what does matter to creating your unique mission. (4:20- 4:40) - More money is nice, but these are the real rewards you get to reap when you fulfill a mission. (7:50) - How to create a mission