Ideas To Life With Kymone Hinds

Ep 44 - Keep it Moving with Bianca Shellie-Robinson



Bianca Shellie-Robinson is a business architect. She is the CEO of Cayden Cay Consulting, an Operational Management Firm. Bianca started making real money in her business when she started being transparent with her life and what was going on. "People buy people not businesses. If you want to make money on social media you have to be social." She realized early on that she wanted to own her own business. To do that, Bianca knew she needed a diverse set of skills. She was a professional temporary worker, working 80 different jobs.  "The business that you start doesn't have to be the business that you keep." "You don't need to figure out anything before you make a move. I learned everything I've learned through my movement." Bianca emphasized the importance of using the small pockets of time we do have.  She shared her struggle of being a mom in entrepreneurship and people's expectations. Bianca had the mindset that she was going to do it no matter what. Her biggest lesson learned was "just be me. Take my person