Ideas To Life With Kymone Hinds

Ep 67 - How to Navigate Life and Business in a Shifting World with Lovener Walcott-Wightman



Lovener Walcott-Wightman is a Business Strategist who helps entrepreneurs and business owners implement strategic processes and procedures to work smarter and not harder so they can be more efficient, save time and hit the kind of numbers they desire in their business. Here are a few take-aways from this interview: 1. Consistency is key It is important in life and business to follow through on what you said you would do. Lovener encouraged is that even doing small things consistently will yield great results. 2. Look for opportunities There are lots of losses occurring today. In order for workers and business owners to be successful, they have to look for ways to serve, get their message out and solve new problems. 3. Shift mindset Lovener shared that to navigate transitions and grow in her business, she had to shift her thinking to meet the new demands. To find out more about Lovener, visit her website - and follow her on these social media platforms: