Ideas To Life With Kymone Hinds

Ep 70 - How to Use Social Media Strategically to Build Your Business with Kelita Kellman



Kelita Kellman is an international business coach who has helped over 500 online coaches and service providers start, build and grow their online business. Kelita shows coaches and service providers how to attract clients on autopilot and generate consistent cashflow using strategic content and simple systems. Big takeaways from this episode: 1. Look at getting clients as a science. Study what you are doing and what's working and what's not. Don't discard a method or process without looking to see why it's not working. 2. Making money doesn't have to be difficult Kelita shared with us that you can make money from work that comes easy to you. Charge based on the result you get for people not how difficult it was for you to do. 3. Be intentional in how you spend your time on social media Kelita broke down for us how she uses social media strategically and intentionally. You can schedule things and focus on activities and allot time for them. To find out more about Kelita Kellman and her services check out her w