Breathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast

7 Myths About Nasal Surgery



In this podcast, Kathy and I will discuss the 7 Myths About Nasal Surgery, & When to Do Surgery    1. Nasal trauma causes a deviated septum 2. Septoplasty will treat snoring or sleep apnea 3. Septoplasty will change my nose externally or have bruising 4. Will need packing inside the nose 5. Rhinoplasty - what it means, and what to watch out for 6. Does a deviated septum (or shrunken turbinates) come back after surgery? 7. Turbinate surgery causes empty nose syndrome. And when to consider nasal surgery.   Unstuffy your stuffy nose e-book Flimsy nostrils video   Please share this podcast with others that may benefit from this information.