Julie Cross Podcast Show

Muscle Up Monday



Good morning friends. Julie Cross here. Happy Monday. Beautiful day here in Red Cliff on this beautiful Monday morning. I just thought I'd call it muscle up Monday. I was going for a walk and I was having this thought that we really do have to muscle up sometimes with our feelings and with our mental thinking to create the energy that we want to create. I was asked at a conference recently, "Julie, how do you recreate your passion? How do you stay motivated and enthusiastic?" Because the truth is there are times where I don't. The is truth there's times there's stuff going on home, I got to get on the stage and my energy's low. I'm feeling low. There's times where I'll wake up and my energy's low. So when I talked about muscling up with this and taking control and making a decision, because passion and enthusiasm and emotions, you just wait to drop on you. You don't go driving to work and going, "I'm just waiting for the passion to drop on me. Is it to show up? Not feeling it. Nope, hasn't arrived." So you ge