Chameleon Breeder Podcast With Bill Strand

Ep 49: Superworms



This week we talk about breeding superworms for chameleon food. The is a timely subject as the Northern latitudes are heading into winter snow storms and for some of us, it is a good idea to start raising our own feeders just in case the mail delivery service is not able to reach you. Having your own back up feeder supply is a great idea for this time of year! But even if you are not in danger of being snowed in, raising your own feeder is a great way of controlling the nutrition that your chameleon gets. Superworms are the perfect feeder to work with because they are easy to breed and raise up. They also are one of the few feeders that can, at different times during their lifecycle, feed anything from baby chameleons to adult parson's chameleons!  So Superworms are a versatile feeder as well as being easy!