Really Famous Celebrity Interviews

Louie Anderson



Louie Anderson moves me. When I watch him play Christine Baskets on the FX series Baskets, I literally put my hand to my heart. The humanity he conveys is almost too much. It's beautiful. And he moves me to tears -- of joy and laughter! He's so funny and it shows as we get to know each other for the first time. There's a little backstory here: Last summer I shared a video clip on Instagram of my "Dream Guests." Louie, of course, was on my list. Louie saw it and said, "I'd love to be on your show!" Long story short: It took a full year. But finally! He's on the show. And all I can tell you is this: I KNEW IT. I KNEW he'd be a dream guest. Join us as we genuinely talk and laugh and get into things like: teasing friendship family joy Baskets Christine Baskets Chip Baskets Dale Baskets Zach Galifinakis FX the book Breathe collecting coffee mugs Minnesota New Jersey why he moved to Las Vegas comedians like Joan Rivers and Rodney Dangerfield Marc Maron podcasts Italian tile and ooooh, so much more SWEET! Score a