Really Famous Celebrity Interviews

The Birthday Episode: Louie Anderson



To celebrate Louie's birthday and my birthday, plus a few more, I'm re-airing the talk that sparked my friendship with the one-and-only Louie Anderson. Plus a funny bonus! Enjoy. It's from August 2020.   Join us as we genuinely talk and laugh and get into things like: teasing friendship family joy Baskets Christine Baskets Chip Baskets Dale Baskets Zach Galifinakis FX and his show Baskets the book Breathe collecting coffee mugs Minnesota New Jersey why he moved to Las Vegas comedians like Joan Rivers and Rodney Dangerfield Marc Maron podcasts Italian tile and ooooh, so much more SWEET! Score a Really Famous MUG:  #MugShots # Watch my DREAM GUESTS video from last summer, which includes Louie:  # Watch my big, beautiful video of Louie Anderson and me recording this podcast! Watch now: Watch my JIM GAFFIGAN video: (Seriously, if you're not subscribed to my YouTube channel by's time!