Phd Career Stories

#071: Chris Armbruster on how (and why) to become a Data Scientist



Data Scientist is often called “the hottest job of the 21st century”, but what makes it so attractive? And how can a PhD-graduate transition into this field? Chris Armbruster, a PhD graduate in Sociology from the Lancaster University, spent two years at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy studying the emerging R&D and innovation landscape in Europe. Later he has moved “from innovation research to doing innovation” and first worked on rolling out digital infrastructures for the Max Planck Society, and then dived into start-up life in a variety of roles encompassing digital technologies, customer-centric business models, and product development. Today he is a Director of Community Development at The Drivery - the mobility innovators' club in Berlin, which goal is to push for innovation in the mobility sector, e.g. autonomous driving, electric kickscooters. His key mission is to cover the shortage of talent for Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, more specifically for roles in Data A