Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Mindfulness: A How-To



Overview:  Mindfulness has a lot of neurophysiological benefits, which makes it a particularly useful tool for emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing. Many people don’t know how to get started making this a part of their routine so they have a hard time gaining the important benefits of this practice. We’ll explore how we can make this tool a powerful resource in our aspirations for both redefining ourselves and recreating pieces in our lives that we want to celebrate. What We’ll Learn: We look at the various ways we can not only carve out the time and space for our formal practice of Mindfulness in bite sized pieces that we can easily build in, but also ways of integrating this practice into our regular everyday activities. We will also discuss some tips, tricks, and suggestions for making sure we can set ourselves up for success as we build this skill over time to maximize its benefits. Lastly, we look some of the specific practices and how they each contribute to our lives. Resources Mentioned:  Apps: C