Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Looking at Trauma: An Overview



Overview:  There are a number of different events that can be traumatic. Some examples of these situations that may immediately come to mind include a serious and potentially life threatening accident, assault, natural disaster, or combat. Other types of experiences can be traumatic as well such as surviving or witnessing a crime or physical, verbal, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as bullying or even a big move. Many people are exposed to traumatic events. In the time immediately following a trauma, most people will have experiences of posttraumatic PTSD. However, over time, for many people, those experiences naturally decrease, and they are not diagnosed with PTSD. In other words, they naturally recover from the traumatic event. There are some people who do not recover and are later diagnosed with PTSD. What We’ll Learn:  We explore the various clusters of what comprises PTSD as well as how these pieces converge to create difficulties such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, irr