Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Celebrate Your Social Brain with Group Therapy!



Overview: Today, we will be talking GROUPS with Katie K. May of Creative Healing Philly. Katie K. May is a DBT Certified, Licensed Therapist for Teens in Pennsylvania.  She specializes in running groups for teens who experience anxiety, depression and self-harm behaviors, with a passion is helping clients learn to express and cope with overwhelming emotions in healthy ways so that they can move forward in life EMPOWERED and able to create their own path to happiness. What We’ll Learn: Katie and I discuss the ways that our group connections help us to build a life we want to celebrate. Katie shares some top tips for connecting in group therapy, below, and debunks some myths about getting started with groups. Katie’s Top Tips: +Our interpersonal relationships are one of the most powerful predictors of both our mental and physical health.  People are happier and healthier, with lower rates of depression and greater overall happiness when they are connected socially. +Take advantage of the "social brain!"  We are