Beyond The Couch With Dr. Sally Nazari

Mindful Monday: Practicing the Nonjudgmental Stance



Welcome to Beyond the Couch, a show devoted to celebrating you in your amazing life. Thank you for tuning in. You can also Subscribe to auto-download new podcast episodes to your Apple or Android device. After you listen to a few episodes, please consider leaving an honest rating and review of how the podcast has helped your transformation journey. This helps the information reach more of the people who are going through the same journey. Be sure to get an intro to Mindfulness with my cheat sheet and bonus audio sample here: Overview:   Mindfulness is the awareness of the present experience without judgment and it can shift our experiences! One of the key elements of Mindfulness is practicing the non-judgmental stance. Judgments are often difficult for us to notice and sometimes even more difficult for us to shake. They are not always bad - they can be useful! For example,  they allow us to have quick descriptions by creating simple categories and they offer fast, shorthand