Cash Car Convert

CCC063: How Can I Get 200,000 Miles Plus?



To start this episode, I want people to take a reality check. Most of us are too optimistic when it comes to our futures. I'm all for positive thinking, but we most often expect the future to be better than our pasts. This isn't always the case. This concept is illustrated by a Prudential Insurance ad where they ask people to place magnets, one each, for something that happened to them in the past and, one each, for something they expected to happen in the future. Good things were represented with yellow magnates and bad things were represented with blue magnates. For the past it was pretty even good and bad, but when looking into the future, people anticipated much more good than bad coming their way. Click here to view the Prudential commercial. What does this have to do with cars. Well, most people buy cars on credit and base the payment on at worst their life not getting any worse and at best getting a promotion, raise, or some other type of monetary increase. This leads to all manner of problems  and peo