Facing The Grey Tide Podcast

Facing the Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 33: Hanging with the Tide



What is up Everyone? This week on the Podcast, Evan, Chandler, and Bryan come together to just talk about the hobby, some fun games we have had over the last couple of weeks, and projects that everyone is working on.  With the Holiday season just around the corner, everyone is looking to get things wrapped up before the end of the year.  Bryan runs down his latest Blood Angels project, Evan talks about Malifaux and some of the 40k games he has played in the last couple of weeks, and Chandler talks about his Malifaux crew he is working on and trying to beat down some Blood Angels in a Malestrom game.     The Guys go Old School and hold nothing back.   Don't forget, we are also on iTunes at Facing the Grey Tide Podcast.  Subscribe, Rate, and Review to help us improve the show.   Intro and Exit Provided by Donnie Drost, Angry Ophelia's Song featuring Musetta, edited from original version, 2009 Licensed under Creative Commons