Facing The Grey Tide Podcast

Facing The Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 66: The Renegade Tournament Recap and Update



What is up Everyone? This week Chandler and Bryan are joined by Dave and Puck from The Renegade Tournament to go through Renegade Open 2017 and to update us with a couple of new tournaments.  The boys talk about everything that went into The Renegade Open 2017, their thoughts, reactions, and some of the behind the scenes of things they noticed from the results.  The guys then break down two upcoming tournaments:  The Spring CONflagration and The Renegade Team Tournament.  They break down the full rules, the times and dates, and even get into some of the cool aspects of the list building.  The guys also talk about their rules packets and the rules for building a list or a team.  These guys bring a lot of knowledge, a lot of great events, and some fantastic information for all of you that are looking to participate in their events.  Also, There is a huge announcement about Warzone:  Atlanta coming from Dave and Puck, but I won't spoil it here.     As a wise sage once said:  "Renegades are people, with their ow