Facing The Grey Tide Podcast

Facing The Grey Tide Podcast - Episode 73: The NOVA Recap Show



What is up Everyone? In this episode, Evan and Chandler come together to talk about Evan's last minute preparations for the NOVA Invitational as well the GT.  The guys start off talking about the Daunting Challenge that is Nick Nanavati.  Evan talks about his thoughts on his list and the challenges it will face against Nick's list.  They then break down the scouring system that NOVA has gone with this year, the round by round missions, and the challenges that his list will face in each mission.  They also break down the scoring for the Primary, the Secondary, and the Tertiary and their thoughts on which ones work well for his list.  We also break down Evan's lists and talk about the strengths of both lists in each of the tournaments.  Evan goes round by round and talks about the challenges and success of each round.  He had a great showing and talks about what he liked most about his GT list.     Two in a WEEK? Must be a NOVA thing! Don't forget to check out our sponsors!   Dice Head Games and Comics - Offi