Diabetes By The Numbers

Diabetes By The Numbers



I can't tell you how excited I am to finally share a conversation with Christel Marchand Aprigliano.  In three parts.   Christel, as I mention in the introduction, is a force in the diabetes world.  Until there isn't a diabetes world any longer, we can only hope to have advocates like her who get in the trenches and fight for the things that are important to those of us living with this disease.   In part two of our conversation, you'll hear about one of the hot topics of the day, insulin pricing, where roles are slightly reversed, and I'm the feisty one.  Part three will cover Diabetes Patient Advocacy Coalition, and how using the easy button can help you get your diabetes advocacy started, and up your diabetes advocacy, all in less than two minutes.  Those episodes are still to come, and you're not going to want to miss them.   Today, we talk about the unique gathering known as the Diabetes UnConference.  Christel covers all the things that make the UnConference life-affirming.  We discuss the No Social Med