Linkedin's Work In Progress

Is The 40-Hour Work Week Dead?



In Silicon Valley, working “9 to 5,” is for the weak. Startup founders celebrate never sleeping. Venture capitalists brag on Twitter about not taking a vacation for over twenty years. But while the tech industry may be getting all of the attention, workers across industries are feeling burnt out, overworked and stressed. This week, LinkedIn Managing Editors Chip Cutter and Caroline Fairchild talk to two entrepreneurs based out of Chicago who are bucking this trend within their own startup. Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson are the co-founders of Basecamp and have been speaking out against the tech community’s extreme work ethic for years now. Fried and Hansson give their take on why working around the clock now seems necessary, and share the simple ways they think the American work week can be improved by using technology differently.