210 Local Media Podcast - San Antonio, Texas

Episode 39: Hydramelody Live



Episode 39: Hydramelody LiveHere’s our second “live from the board” episode, this time featuring friends of 210 and alum, Hydramelody. This was actually from January 23rd at Jack’s Patio. Due to having a pack full of dead batteries, I missed all but 4 of the songs that Hydramelody played that night. Luckily, you get to hear them!Huge shout out to Octahedron, who opened for Hydra that night and to whatever magician of a sound guy that Hydramelody brought in. I usually have issues when I want to record directly from the mixing console, but this sound guy said, plug in and we’ll get it done. I had planned on recording Octahedron, but it just didn’t seem to be in the cards this time. To make it up to you guys and to Octahedron, I plan on recording them very soon and hopefully adding an interview to that as well. I’m just sorry because you guys missed out on what was some really great music. Good things come to those who wait, so keep an eye out for Octahedron later this season.Next, Hydramelody prefaced their ama