
Fixer-Upper DIY + Hometown Nostalgia | 214



There are places in our lives that end up staying with us long after we leave them. In this chat, Katherine talks with Tsh about nostalgia — why we have it about certain places, how to embrace it instead of shake it off, and how to use it so we're more at home in the present. Tsh then talks with Katherine about why she loves that her family has been renovating their fixer-upper entirely themselves, even with all its challenges. It’s easy to forget the benefits when she's staring at all the work they still need to do, but when she remembers their why, it makes all the difference. Related Posts: 5 Reasons I Love Living in a Small House by Tsh I Love This Place: Kent, Ohio by Katherine Links From This Episode: Katherine on Twitter Katherine’s website Tsh on Twitter & Instagram Ep. 64: A Year Off the Internet To Double Down on Being Human by Tsh Life in the "During" Phase of a Fixer-Upper by Tsh Become a patron and help make this show happen Sign up for 5 Quick Things, the weekly email Kindly leave a re