
Our Holiday Good Lists | 224



Why not do what we’ve long loved here on this show? Tsh and Christine each share their current Good Lists, holiday-edition: a thing, a habit, a work of art, and an idea that’s both making their lives (and holidays) better right now. Related Posts: Make Both To-Do and To-Don't Holiday Lists by Tsh A Glimpse Into a Slow & Sacred Christmas Day by Christine Links From This Episode: Christine on Instagram Christine’s blog Tsh on Twitter & Instagram Padraig Cottage slippers "Chili's Menu, by Cormac McCarthy", by Justin Tapp Unearthing Wonder Adorning the Dark, by Andrew Peterson The Gap video of Ira Glass’ interview Andrew Peterson on That Sounds Fun podcast The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, by John Mark Comer Bridgetown Church podcast “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” 3 Mile an Hour God, by Kosuke Koyama Astounding Multi-Flavor Joe-Joe’s Trader Joe's Stocking Stuffers You Should Secretly Buy For Yourself Fraser Fir candle Rick Steves' Christmas in Europe The Great British Baking Show Holidays The Ao