Kneel Before Pod

Round table with Clancy Brown



Recently I had the opportunity to catch up with Clancy Brown in a round table scenario. He was attending the 70th Edinburgh International Film Festival to promote the 4K restoration of Highlander. He did a Q&A at the screening, attended a Ceilidh and generally enjoyed being back in Scotland after being away for so long. Joining me on the round table were Matthew from SciFiNow, Dave from Hop and Pop (hasn't launched yet), Michael from Screenkicker, George from an outlet I can't make out from the audio and Claudia from Film News UK and MovieStar Magazine. Everyone had an opportunity to speak and Clancy was more than happy to answer any questions. I'm ashamed to say that I couldn't think of the actress who played the animated version of Lois Lane despite how formative I found that animated show. It was, of course, Dana Delaney. How could I forget that? In fairness, Clancy did too. The 4K restoration of Highlander looks stunning and can be seen a few more times throughout Scotland over the next couple of m