Kneel Before Pod




Hugh Jackman recently -supposedly- ended his iconic tenure as the X-Men character Wolverine in James Mangold's Logan. To mark the occasion Craig, Angus and Natalie got together to discuss the film. Emotions ran high and there was a lot to say about the film, Hugh Jackman himself and a whole load of other barely/unconnected things that tend to come up during these discussions. Craig, Angus and Natalie can all be found as writers on this very site as well as being avid contributors to many of the podcasts. Show Notes More info about Logan/Wolverine Information about Charles Xavier A bit more about Caliban Old Man Logan Craig's review of Fantastic Four Laura Kinney/X-23's comic book origins The 17 years or Wolverine montage Hugh Jackman doing Additional Dialogue Recording (ADR) for Logan Craig's review of Logan The "Shared Universes" podcast Jon Pumper's version of the "Logan Main Titles" and his channel 331ERock's version of the 90s Animated X-Men theme and his channel The Backstreet Boys song "L