Kneel Before Pod

The Last Jedi Teaser



Recently a teaser for what will likely become the biggest film of the year appeared on the internet; the long anticipated first footage for Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is here for excessive analysis. Craig, Aaron and Chris got together to discuss this teaser and spent a lot of time talking about how Rey's training could go, where Luke sits on the light/dark scale and whether Yoda is sitting on top of some rocks or not. Craig and Aaron can be found on this very site and Chris can also be found on a Sunday between 12 and 3pm GMT live on Black Diamond FM as well as on many of the previous podcasts. Show Notes   Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi teaser The Star Wars Celebration video Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens first teaser Craig's review of The Force Awakens The Force Awakens podcast Craig's review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story The first Rogue One podcast The second Rogue One podcast The reviews of Star Wars Rebels Knights of the Old Republic Gray Jedi Dark Jedi