Kneel Before Pod

Thor Ragnarok



A new Marvel Cinematic Universe movie is upon us in the form of Thor: Ragnarok and Kneel Before Pod is ready to cover it. Craig, Angus, Aaron, Chris -complete with a brief appearance from Natalie- don their Asgardian armour and talk through the highs, lows and laughs of the film. Join them as they talk previous Thor films, how the character fits into the Avengers, other planets, villains and general nonsense. Craig, Angus, Natalie and Aaron can all be found as writers on this very site as well as being avid contributors to many of the podcasts. Chris can also be found on a Sunday between 12 and 3pm GMT live on Black Diamond FM as well as on many of the previous podcasts. Show Notes Craig's review of Thor: Ragnarok Craig's review of Hunt for the Wilderpeople Craig's ranking of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies prior to the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron Our Thor: Ragnarok trailer podcast Our Doctor Strange podcast Our Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice podcast The "Heimdall is the final Inf