
RYM 2019 MSTX Ryan Dougan 'What's The Point' Talk 3



There are a lot of areas in your life demanding your attention, a lot of places that have expectations. You've got to keep up your grades, maintain friendships, perform well for your team, play well for the band, meet your parents’ standards, and maybe meet your own standards. On top of all of this, we often hear from our Christian friends and mentors about all of the things that are important to keep up. It's wise to read the Bible and pray every day, go to church, be kind to people, live life for God, etc. All of these things are good things, but if you are anything like me, you might sometimes feel overwhelmed by it all. If you're REALLY like me, you might end up asking yourself, "Why am I even doing all of this?" My goal this week is for us to rediscover the "why" behind a life with God. What's the point of life with God? What's the point of loving other people or giving for the sake of other people? What's the point of church? I think what you and I might find will surprise us.