
RYM 2019 HSCO Ashley Wilkinson 'Out of Hiding' Talk 2



There are often times in life where we feel so isolated that nothing could pierce the loneliness. Starting a new school when you walk into the cafeteria for the first time… when all your friends seem more concerned with their individual romances than your friendship… when your parents tell you they are getting divorced… when you cannot shake the sadness and anxiety that you wear like a heavy blanket and don't know why… when you lose someone you love… or when you try to pray but it feels like no one is listening or no one cares. “Sometimes what we call ‘loneliness’ is what God’s word calls a longing for unhindered intimacy with Him and others…. You thought you were hiding, but in reality, I was setting you up to meet with Me. That’s what you need. You need an encounter with Me.” In this class we will learn what it means to risk coming out of hiding and the riches of being held by the Lord. Come join me as we search for a personal and intimate encounter with our God in the loneliness