
RYM 2019 HSCO Matt Beham 'TULIP: The Joy of Calvinism' Talk 1



Please note: Due to a technical error, Matt's day 1 talk did not record properly. This is a recording on the same topic from the 2019 MSFL elective Matt taught.   Did Jesus save you, or did Jesus make salvation possible? Did Jesus jump into the water and pull you out, or is he in the business of manufacturing life-vests? Are you secure in your salvation, or liable to falling out of the Father's hands? Does God love you personally, or generally? The "R" of RYM stands for "Reformed," and this class explores the central doctrines of grace of the Reformed Faith. We'll talk about TULIP, the acronym that describes the state of humanity and the Trinitarian work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to save and keep God's people. My hope is that you'll not only find truth in this class but also the joy of your salvation and security you have in God's promise that “he who began a good work in you will surely carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6).