
RYM 2019 HSFL2 Matt Icard Addressing Our Mess Talk 2



Let’s face it . . . you’re sort of a mess. Life at home is hard. Life at school is hard. Even life at church is hard! Most of the time you don’t make the grades, win the championships, or get the likes. Now mix in a little pride, anger, lust, and/or a few "white lies," and you’ve got . . . well . . . you. Yes, you try to keep it together and put on a smile, but deep down you feel you’re always kind of lost and falling apart. In this elective we’re going to be honest about our frustration, our sin, and our brokenness. But we’re also going to talk about how God heartens the hopeless, welcomes the wandering, and binds the broken in Jesus. Join us as we take a good look at ourselves, our mess, and the glorious good news of the gospel.