Reignite Your Purpose: Inspiration | Empowerment | Education With Life Mastery Coach Sheila Sutherland

Ep95: How Getting Naked is the Key to Self Power with Zakiya Gayle



Are you a woman that has a ton on your plate? Let’s be real, who doesn’t these days. Between caring for your loved ones, the home, your business or career, most days feel like you’re just running around putting out fires or making sure none erupt! When someone asks you how you’re doing…..your answer is always FINE! Is FINE enough? Are you tired of just being FINE? Do you feel like there is more to life and more to you that you are missing out on? Zakiya Gayle is The Confident Woman's Secret Weapon. Her mantra of "every woman deserves to feel like a goddess" allows her to bring women's inner Fire back to life on the beaches of Tobago, Barbados, and St. Lucia. Zakiya understand intimately the power of connection and mystique. Using her signature Z Method, Zakiya helps a select group of women per year discover the secrets of true connection and learn how to use it to improve their business, relationships, and life. Zakiya shows women how by simply getting naked is the key to their self power. To connect w