Seo Dojo Radio

SEO Dojo Radio Presents Internet Marketing Excerpts From Bill & Ammon's Bogus Hangout #211



Directors Cut: This is another set of marketing topic excerpts from Bill & Ammon's Bogus Hangout where Terry (a regular) has edited the podcast removing the topics that aren't SEO or internet marketing in nature. Topics included: Does EAT Matter? Value of Ranking Reports Self Proclaimed SEO Gurus Bill Discusses New Query Context Patent Amazon Marketplace Bill Discusses New Patent on Augmented Search Queries The full video: Highlights Introductions: Bill Slawski blogs on SEO By the SEA and is Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital and Doc Sheldon owns Search News Central. Terry Van Horne is the webmaster and content director at SEO Dojo Radio and founder of SEO Pros. 00:45 Does EAT Matter?:Discussion on whether EAT matters or even exists. 13:01 Value of Ranking Reports: Doc and Terry debate the value of these reports due to softwares inability to emulate Google mainly due to the use of searchers location in many SERPS. 14:40 Self Proclaimed Gurus and Experts: Doc and Bill rant on SEO Experts. 15:3