Seo Dojo Radio

Internet Marketing Excerpts From Bill & Ammon's Bogus Hangout #216



Directors Cut: This is another set of marketing topic excerpts from Bill & Ammon's Bogus Hangout where Terry (a regular) has edited the podcast removing the topics that aren't SEO or internet marketing in nature. Topics included: SEO Myths and Critical Thinking More on LSI Keywords Bill? The SEO Skills Debate Continues Value of Hiring an SEO Agency Twitter Chat NoFollow was Always a Hint not a Command YouTube Channel Subscription Program Contacting Paid Platforms Google's October Core Update Value of Ranking Reports The full video: Highlights from Audio Version Introductions: Bill Slawski blogs on SEO By the SEA and is Director of SEO Research at Go Fish Digital and Doc Sheldon owns Search News Central. Terry Van Horne is the webmaster and content director at SEO Dojo Radio and founder of SEO Pros and Steve Gerencser is owner of Steam Driven Media. 00:52 SEO Myths and Critical Thinking: Bill started the discussion off the by mentioning his post A Guide to the Biggest SEO Myths on The Web. For the most