The Dork Forest

TDF Ep 15 – Doug Benson and Eddie Pepitone



  For the first time I think I’m out chatted. owns his dorkdom with a dignity that I truly admire and is a fascinating man in search of his muse. Together their enjoyment of the minutia of life, from twitter to game shows, defines what I really think of when I think of dorkdoms. This episode is cussy – just so you know.   Vagaries discussed (new Muppet Movie Eddie is in. And I knew Amy Adams was once I saw her picture). (A great TV show that was cancelled) (I’m sure it’s important-I can’t figure an average. Mostly b/c I can’t care). (SNL and Woody Allen producer) (Tibetan Buddhism Teacher) (Kevin Pollack Hosted new game show) (One Night in Bangkok) (theater in Glendale) (I love what she says after 5:00) (Netflix Streaming) (4th paragraph on this link has the car crushing story)   Books recommended   Eddie – Chris Hedges Hollywood Writers from 1950-1985 (find Eddie on twitter and ask him which of a million versions of this title)   Doug Jackie   Credits: Audio leveling by Patrick Brady!Musi