The Dork Forest

TDF EP 16 – Dana Gould



  It’s one on one dork dialog this episode.   (follow him on twitter @danajgould ) is a great , and one of the first comics I knew who committed to what I call, at this writing, dorkiness, in his act. His material is always personal and family related but it also has always gone to his favorite films and games. His love of Science Fiction and Horror has a nice sense of depth in his act, and when you talk to him. This is a great episode. Enjoy!   show Dana and Blaine Capatch crack wise on regularly. Planet of the Apes Statues - ,   Dana Gould recommended watching and reading: – BBC One – I can’t find it on BBC America – BBC One by the same guy, also not currently airing… but abound from Netflix in both cases. HBO Upcoming, he recommends:   And… when I pressed him for old Dracula movies:   Magazine   It’s a new year – feel free to donate if you haven’t. And… take care of each other out there. For crying out loud. Jackie   Credits: Audio leveling by Patrick Brady!Music by  ! My Website is and i