The Dork Forest

TDF EP 23 – Jimmy Pardo



  My guest this episode is , host and creator of the fantastic podcast . He's such a fascinating comic that it took most of the show for me to get to the fact that he’s a Fantasy Baseball dork. Fantasy Baseball seems to be that you get a list of players and you WATCH their stats for the season. Fascinating! You will note how much I like Jimmy because I won’t let him talk. I beginning to see it as a symptom of something.   I sound like I still have some sort of head infection, don’t I? Boo. I had an ear infection and it’s moved to my sinuses (as my acupuncturist said - English not her first language – though MUCH better than my Cantonese, “behind your face is one piece of meat.” i.e. the infection has spread). My Ear, Nose and Throat doctor tested my hearing and I’ve lost 30% in my right ear. But he doesn’t know what to do about it. His recommendation? That I send a video to SNL to audition for them. i.e. I need a new ENT guy.   Topics covered: Morning Radio: , (Austin, TX), , (Detroit), , Musicals: , ,