The Dork Forest

TDF EP 33 - Paul Feldman and Taylor Orci



Back in my living room with my guests, (Warhammer gaming dork… got to have him back to talk it up some more) and , who loves her a “nutritional mineral.”   Notes: – I knew Joss Whedon was a musician, that’s who knew. – according to THIS website. – this book is coming up again next episode. Sigh. – again I bring this book up. – Julia Child’s – wiki link… so take it with a grain. – this link is how to make yer own J -  again. Hmm. – is in the new show The Borgias Rupert Holmes  - Richard Marx – Michael Bolton – – it’s REAL? Watch with... and We go to a “what to do with people in prison” place. With no talk of rehab. It’s all punishment. Even from me. I regret this patch. But… podcast, little or no editing… so you get warts and all. Sigh. Thanks for listening. Take care out there! Jackie My website has a player, standup schedule and videos, the merch (CD/T-shirt opportunities), the donation button: or .The , , and a very basic free app for the are available.   Credits: Audio le