The Dork Forest

TDF EP 39 – Dork Expedition with Branwyn Bigglestone



It’s another Dork Expedition out and about. We meet dorks in their natural habitat! works at and her mom (Janet Winter) owns . We wander.   I didn’t edit this AT ALL before going to the Middle East. My use of language in this episode is randomly inaccurate. Fantastic. I just let Pat sound fix this so it’s more meander-y than I might have let it be if I edited. I hope you enjoy it. I had a blast. At Image it’s chatty with a lot of us talking … and I have a hard time leaving and it digresses into lunch talk.   Then we go to the toy store and talk about toys. At length. At the end of the interview we find out that Janet designs costumes and then it’s back to CONS… more convention talk. Obviously... sitting down with Branwyn's mom, in the future, to get some dork history, is in order.   Notes: (video of a baby doing this) We lunch in Berkley at a great restaurant: – Don sells dice. (actually a chain of motels) . (Drew Oliver is the owner & I bought friends syphilis and penicillin). Jane