The Dork Forest

TDF EP 40 – April Macie and Vargus Mason



My guests were my traveling companions for the last couple weeks in Africa and the Middle East. was the author of this tour and then got hurt and had to fly home before the end of the tour. So we're debriefing him a bit... and, not on this episode, our other traveling companion,  kept on. Because, in the military, it's "no one left behind." In comedy, it's "sure. We’ll go on." and then, belatedly, "the show must go on." Alycia will have rebuttal time when I’m in NY or figure out to record via Skype!   Disclaimer… I express opinions about other people’s standup comedy and, as we know… all comedy is awesome and everyone’s journey is fantastic. But podcasts are people occassionally saying things they regret. When it was live there was all kinds of that... it seems cheating to edit it out. So, welcome to a less attractive part of my brain. I just love some things that were said OFF stage that I wish, and I get to wish, would be said ON stage.   Thanks for listening. Take care of each other out there, Jackie