The Dork Forest

TDF EP 52 – Jake Weisman and Kumail Nanjiani



My guests are stand up comics and fellow podcasters and . Its video games, comic books, stand up comedy, and cats. A lot about cats. It's a good one. Enjoy   Notes: – and When doing the notes… I thought my phone was going off again. IFC show – naked cut out of porn (Russ will look it up – but said it reminded him of film) I talk for a long time. Huh. I’m still talking. HEY SUS. Good grief. RoboCop – no original book Me Still Talking. Gotta have these guys back.   Books Kumail recommends:   - game – PS3. weird.   Books Jake recommends:   Me:   My website has a player, standup schedule and videos, merch page (CD/T-shirt opportunities) and the donation button: or .   The , s is available. If you hate the $2 spent on the app, I’ll give you $2 off a CD or T-shirt at a show. Or e me.