The Dork Forest

TDF EP 66 – Brodie Foster Hubbard and Gene George



My guests share a podcast called . was on the old version of the show and he’s the guy that first talked to me about Fantasy Wrestling! And his co-host, , fits right in. We’re awkward and then discover each other. It’s lovely. It’s dorky. Enjoy.   Credits: Audio leveling by Music is by . Website design by : who has his OWN .   The websites are and  . Apps are available for the ,and . Review the show on iTunes and feel free to e me.   Notes: The Indian walking I speak of is I’VE EVEN SEEN A MUMMY. Good grief. Taping on a Sunday. – Fantasy Wrestling Now there is IWA () – Sept 30, 2011 (full info) – it exists! New!! Yahoo! bought GeoCities then closed. I get swords and rapiers all mixed up Sword articles from Gene